a man walking down with 5 paths leading to victim, hustler, spiritualist, manifester and oneness

Did you know there are 5 types of mindset??

January 12, 20243 min read

Life unfolds before us like a vast, ever-shifting tapestry. Yet, our perception of this tapestry, the stories we weave within it, are painted by the brushstrokes of our mindset. Business and career are a tapestry in and of their own and our mindset will create a beautiful, strong piece of art or a fragile, brittle cloth.

There are different levels to mindset and depending on where we're at, we will get those types of results.

The Victim: "Life happens TO me" Entrenched in a mindset of scarcity and limitation, the victim sees business, career, and life as a relentless struggle against external forces. Feeling powerless and overwhelmed, they succumb to self-doubt and stagnation. This perspective fosters a culture of blame and a reluctance to take risks, hindering both individual and organizational progress. The victim takes no responsibility for their situation, has no trust in the world, and just looks to justify their actions. While many terrible things can happen in life that are out of our control, we still can choose how to respond. When the victim starts to take responsibility, they will usually end up at either the hustler or spiritualist stage.

The Hustler: "Life happens BY me" Driven by ambition and a relentless pursuit of goals, the hustler thrives on the competitive spirit of business. They see the world as a constant competition and take responsibility for their results, however, they do not trust others. They see success as a product of their own hard work and sacrifice, pushing themselves relentlessly towards the top. This mindset can lead to impressive results, but can also breed burnout, unhealthy work-life balance, and a disconnect from the deeper purpose of one's work. This stage is mostly action and little trust.

The Spiritualist: "Life happens FOR me" Recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, the spiritualist approaches business and career with a sense of purpose/meaning and a trust that everything happens for a reason. While that trust can be super important, if it is not backed with the same amount of action, it can lead to a lot of "waiting". They seek to create value for themselves and others, aligning their work with their values and passions. This mindset fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and a deeper sense of fulfillment from professional endeavors. A lot of time this can be when they are looking to "attract the right client", but fail to do so because they are waiting for life to happen.

The Manifester: "Life happens THROUGH me" Embracing the power of intention and belief, the manifester sees success as a manifestation of their own thoughts and desires. They harness the power of positive thinking and visualization to shape their professional realities. This mindset can be a powerful tool for achieving goals, but it's important to balance it with hard work and strategic planning. The manifester is like a spiritual hustler, using both action AND trust to create results. They take everything as feedback and tweak their actions to get better results.

The Oneness: "Life happens AS me" This is like "mystic mode" and operates from a state of pure awareness. At this stage, the pursuit of success recognizes its interconnectedness with the collective. They see business and career as a reflection of who they truly are. Business turns into a platform for service and contribution, striving to create positive change within their industry and society as a whole. This mindset fosters a sense of deep satisfaction and fulfillment, beyond the confines of personal achievement. A good example of this is the company Patagonia which takes all of its profit and invests it back into the planet to make a positive environmental impact (Patagonia article).

Understanding and harnessing the power of these diverse perspectives can empower us to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and career with grace and purpose. By choosing the right "mindset" for each situation, we can weave a tapestry of success that resonates with our values, ambitions, and aspirations.

Remember, the melody of your professional journey is yours to weave. Choose your mindsets wisely, and let your consciousness guide you to a crescendo of fulfillment and prosperity.

mindsets for businesscareer growthvictim to manifestermindset typesbusiness tapestrylimiting beliefsgrowth mindsetfind work purposeattract business successpositive thinking
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a man walking down with 5 paths leading to victim, hustler, spiritualist, manifester and oneness

Did you know there are 5 types of mindset??

January 12, 20243 min read

Life unfolds before us like a vast, ever-shifting tapestry. Yet, our perception of this tapestry, the stories we weave within it, are painted by the brushstrokes of our mindset. Business and career are a tapestry in and of their own and our mindset will create a beautiful, strong piece of art or a fragile, brittle cloth.

There are different levels to mindset and depending on where we're at, we will get those types of results.

The Victim: "Life happens TO me" Entrenched in a mindset of scarcity and limitation, the victim sees business, career, and life as a relentless struggle against external forces. Feeling powerless and overwhelmed, they succumb to self-doubt and stagnation. This perspective fosters a culture of blame and a reluctance to take risks, hindering both individual and organizational progress. The victim takes no responsibility for their situation, has no trust in the world, and just looks to justify their actions. While many terrible things can happen in life that are out of our control, we still can choose how to respond. When the victim starts to take responsibility, they will usually end up at either the hustler or spiritualist stage.

The Hustler: "Life happens BY me" Driven by ambition and a relentless pursuit of goals, the hustler thrives on the competitive spirit of business. They see the world as a constant competition and take responsibility for their results, however, they do not trust others. They see success as a product of their own hard work and sacrifice, pushing themselves relentlessly towards the top. This mindset can lead to impressive results, but can also breed burnout, unhealthy work-life balance, and a disconnect from the deeper purpose of one's work. This stage is mostly action and little trust.

The Spiritualist: "Life happens FOR me" Recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, the spiritualist approaches business and career with a sense of purpose/meaning and a trust that everything happens for a reason. While that trust can be super important, if it is not backed with the same amount of action, it can lead to a lot of "waiting". They seek to create value for themselves and others, aligning their work with their values and passions. This mindset fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and a deeper sense of fulfillment from professional endeavors. A lot of time this can be when they are looking to "attract the right client", but fail to do so because they are waiting for life to happen.

The Manifester: "Life happens THROUGH me" Embracing the power of intention and belief, the manifester sees success as a manifestation of their own thoughts and desires. They harness the power of positive thinking and visualization to shape their professional realities. This mindset can be a powerful tool for achieving goals, but it's important to balance it with hard work and strategic planning. The manifester is like a spiritual hustler, using both action AND trust to create results. They take everything as feedback and tweak their actions to get better results.

The Oneness: "Life happens AS me" This is like "mystic mode" and operates from a state of pure awareness. At this stage, the pursuit of success recognizes its interconnectedness with the collective. They see business and career as a reflection of who they truly are. Business turns into a platform for service and contribution, striving to create positive change within their industry and society as a whole. This mindset fosters a sense of deep satisfaction and fulfillment, beyond the confines of personal achievement. A good example of this is the company Patagonia which takes all of its profit and invests it back into the planet to make a positive environmental impact (Patagonia article).

Understanding and harnessing the power of these diverse perspectives can empower us to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and career with grace and purpose. By choosing the right "mindset" for each situation, we can weave a tapestry of success that resonates with our values, ambitions, and aspirations.

Remember, the melody of your professional journey is yours to weave. Choose your mindsets wisely, and let your consciousness guide you to a crescendo of fulfillment and prosperity.

mindsets for businesscareer growthvictim to manifestermindset typesbusiness tapestrylimiting beliefsgrowth mindsetfind work purposeattract business successpositive thinking
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a man walking down with 5 paths leading to victim, hustler, spiritualist, manifester and oneness

Did you know there are 5 types of mindset??

January 12, 20243 min read

Life unfolds before us like a vast, ever-shifting tapestry. Yet, our perception of this tapestry, the stories we weave within it, are painted by the brushstrokes of our mindset. Business and career are a tapestry in and of their own and our mindset will create a beautiful, strong piece of art or a fragile, brittle cloth.

There are different levels to mindset and depending on where we're at, we will get those types of results.

The Victim: "Life happens TO me" Entrenched in a mindset of scarcity and limitation, the victim sees business, career, and life as a relentless struggle against external forces. Feeling powerless and overwhelmed, they succumb to self-doubt and stagnation. This perspective fosters a culture of blame and a reluctance to take risks, hindering both individual and organizational progress. The victim takes no responsibility for their situation, has no trust in the world, and just looks to justify their actions. While many terrible things can happen in life that are out of our control, we still can choose how to respond. When the victim starts to take responsibility, they will usually end up at either the hustler or spiritualist stage.

The Hustler: "Life happens BY me" Driven by ambition and a relentless pursuit of goals, the hustler thrives on the competitive spirit of business. They see the world as a constant competition and take responsibility for their results, however, they do not trust others. They see success as a product of their own hard work and sacrifice, pushing themselves relentlessly towards the top. This mindset can lead to impressive results, but can also breed burnout, unhealthy work-life balance, and a disconnect from the deeper purpose of one's work. This stage is mostly action and little trust.

The Spiritualist: "Life happens FOR me" Recognizing the interconnectedness of all things, the spiritualist approaches business and career with a sense of purpose/meaning and a trust that everything happens for a reason. While that trust can be super important, if it is not backed with the same amount of action, it can lead to a lot of "waiting". They seek to create value for themselves and others, aligning their work with their values and passions. This mindset fosters a culture of collaboration, innovation, and a deeper sense of fulfillment from professional endeavors. A lot of time this can be when they are looking to "attract the right client", but fail to do so because they are waiting for life to happen.

The Manifester: "Life happens THROUGH me" Embracing the power of intention and belief, the manifester sees success as a manifestation of their own thoughts and desires. They harness the power of positive thinking and visualization to shape their professional realities. This mindset can be a powerful tool for achieving goals, but it's important to balance it with hard work and strategic planning. The manifester is like a spiritual hustler, using both action AND trust to create results. They take everything as feedback and tweak their actions to get better results.

The Oneness: "Life happens AS me" This is like "mystic mode" and operates from a state of pure awareness. At this stage, the pursuit of success recognizes its interconnectedness with the collective. They see business and career as a reflection of who they truly are. Business turns into a platform for service and contribution, striving to create positive change within their industry and society as a whole. This mindset fosters a sense of deep satisfaction and fulfillment, beyond the confines of personal achievement. A good example of this is the company Patagonia which takes all of its profit and invests it back into the planet to make a positive environmental impact (Patagonia article).

Understanding and harnessing the power of these diverse perspectives can empower us to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of business and career with grace and purpose. By choosing the right "mindset" for each situation, we can weave a tapestry of success that resonates with our values, ambitions, and aspirations.

Remember, the melody of your professional journey is yours to weave. Choose your mindsets wisely, and let your consciousness guide you to a crescendo of fulfillment and prosperity.

mindsets for businesscareer growthvictim to manifestermindset typesbusiness tapestrylimiting beliefsgrowth mindsetfind work purposeattract business successpositive thinking
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